White Pepper Cooking Tips

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Cooking Tips

- White pepper comes from the exact same fruit as black pepper. The only difference is that the peppercorns have been soaked and the skins removed before drying.
- This means that although the taste is very similar to black pepper, it has a simpler, less complex flavour as the skins contain additional flavour properties.
- White pepper is typically used for aesthetic purposes when used in white sauce so there are no black flecks that appear.
- From a more general use perspective, white pepper needs little introduction; season meals to taste with white pepper & salt for a savoury, slightly spicy finish.
- White pepper tastes best when freshly ground so always try and buy whole.
- Crack fresh white pepper into pasta, stews or soups.
- Season your roasted veg with cracked white pepper, salt and a little olive oil for a rustic classic.
- Use the same mix for a simple marinade.
- For the more adventurous try sprinkling over fruit such as melon or strawberries.

Recipe ideas using white pepper

- White sauce (bechemel)
- Moroccan couscous with seasonal spring vegetables
- Kartoffelmad: Danish style open faced potato salad sandwich
- Lentil and Leek Croquetas with fried padron peppers

White Pepper Flavour Pairings

- Spice flavour profile
White pepper is a hot spice which brings heat like a chilli would. It's less powerful than cayenne or chilli powder so don't be afraid to use it. White pepper also has fresh citrus notes, especially when freshly ground.
- Spice Pairings
The classic pairing is salt and pepper! You can add some more variety by mixing peppercorns together; white, pink and green peppercorns all have slightly different flavours and combine together for a more complex and tasty experience. White pepper goes well with most savoury spices and herbs but especially rosemary, thyme, paprika and garlic.